Our Staff
The day-to-day administration of the Trust is delegated by the Trustees to the Chief Executive Officer, the Honorary Secretary & Treasurer and employed Administrators.
Mel Hughes
CEO, Support & Development

Mel was appointed to the new post of Support and Development Officer in April 2019 having joined the Trust as a volunteer in early 2018. Mel was promoted to the position of Chief Executive Officer on 1st January 2020.
Mel has had a diverse career in education spanning 23 years working in private and boarding schools, inner city state schools, as well as recently working with children and young adults requiring Additional Support for Learning in West Lothian. Mel spent a total of nine years in the positions of High School Principal and Head of Middle School in an international school in Singapore. She also spent several years as an international school Accreditation Officer working in schools with varying curricular approaches in countries including Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand and South Korea. She returned to the UK in 2015 where she decided to fulfil a lifelong ambition and learn to drive an articulated lorry!
Through her experiences, Mel has witnessed the positive impact dogs can have on the physical and mental welfare of children and adults. She supports several animal charities and has volunteered in animal rescue centres here and abroad. Mel brought three animal shelter cats back with her from Singapore and has three dogs, all of which were re-homed from families in Scotland. Her Rough Collie is a registered Therapet, undertaking weekly visits to an assisted living centre in West Lothian and completing 'Paws Against Stress' sessions at Tertiary institutions. Her Bearded Collie/Sheltie cross won the Scruffts 'Most Handsome Dog' title at the Scottish heat in 2018 and placed third in his class at the semi-finals in London. Her Cairn Terrier has a quiet life! When not working, Mel enjoys walking and weekends in her motorhome with her dogs, she fosters the occasional puppy and she is a member of her local Gala Committee.
Lesley Bird
Administration Supervisor

“Lesley Bird joined in August 2013. She has been a happy dog owner for over 50 years and currently shares her life with a handsome Lurcher called Romey (cross Greyhound/Saluki). Romey is a rescue dog and thought to possibly have belonged to the travelling people, having been found as a stray in Cambridgeshire. He is now 9 years old but still very nervous, so not suitable as a Therapet, but loves coming into the office, as Jess did previously.
Lesley’s working career has been mainly in administration, which she still enjoys. In her free time she has been involved previously in dog training and obedience, not having climbed to Crufts level, but having loved every minor rosette she was lucky enough to win with her dogs. She is also a keen supporter of several animal charities – SPCA, Dogs Trust, WWF, Redwings Sanctuary and The Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home.”
Norma Lawson Hill

Norma Lawson Hill joined in March 2014. Hello, my name’s Norma, I’m the new face and voice in administration. I’m the mother of two grown up boys and live with my two Tonkinese Cats (sisters) in Edinburgh.
What’s brought me to Therapet? After 13 enjoyable years working in a GP practice, my life long love of animals of all kinds has drawn me here. As a sponsor of Guide Dogs for The Blind and various other charities I couldn’t really think of a better way to spend my working days. Animals have always given me pleasure and support so I know how valuable Therapets work is for others.
Carole Dryburgh

Carole Dryburgh joined in September 2017. Carole first volunteered with us by helping to fill envelopes for the tri-annual bulletin, and then by coming into the office to help out with the welcome, but increasing number of enquiries! Now she’s joined our administration team of three part-time staff in Edinburgh.
An animal lover of all types, both domesticated and wild, Carole very much relished the opportunity of joining CCST. It was her heart’s choice. Knowing that Romey, the lovely Lurcher and ‘unofficial’ office Therapet (as had been his predecessor Jess), would also be there on a daily basis, made the decision all the easier! Don’t be confused however into thinking you are speaking to Norma, if you phone or pop into the office, it may be Carole as they are in fact sisters!