
Managed by Canine Concern Scotland Trust

Area Representatives: Sign-In | Scottish Charity No: SC014924
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Donations & Fundraising

Donations & Fundraising

We are funded mainly through the generosity of the many members and supporters who help to raise the vital funds needed to continue the work of CCST and the Therapet service.  Any donation you are able to make or funds you can raise will make a big difference to the many communities we serve throughout Scotland.


If you wish to make a one-off or regular donation, you can do so via our JustGiving page.


Our dedicated volunteers and supporters raise funds for us in many ways. From activities such as sponsored dog walks or runs or cycling or abseiling to coffee mornings and hosting parties.  Without your support we would not be able to continue to offer the valuable Therapet services to many people across the local communities we serve in Scotland.If you wish to discuss any ideas either phone on 0131 553 0034 or email at

Remember we are registered with easyfundraising, which means you can help us for FREE. Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself! These include utilities, insurance, financial, broadband and phone providers. All you need to do is sign up here and remember to use easyfundraising whenever you shop.

Rotary Clubs, schools, universities, church guilds, sports clubs, Scouts, Guides and Brownies... have all raised funds for us and there are lots of ways we can support your group in fundraising activities.  We can help you decide on the fundraising that might be best for your group.  We can also offer a CCST Therapet speaker to chat to your group about our work as well as the opportunity to meet one of our Therapet dogs. We can also provide you with fundraising materials and collecting cans.  Once your fundraising is complete we always like to say thank you in person so why not invite our Area Representative to meet your group.

If you wish to discuss ideas either phone on 0131 553 0034 or email at or even contact your local area representative.

There are many different ways to fundraise as a school and to support CCST and our Therapet visits across Scotland. This could include an ‘own clothes’ day as an example. We also offer free talks tailored to all age groups of school pupils including the opportunity to meet one of our Therapet dogs.  Our talks, which also include a short film, are focused on educating pupils about the importance of responsible dog ownership. This includes how to look after dogs properly as well as how to behave around dogs.  We can also talk about the work we do with our Therapet dogs and the benefits that this brings.

To invite a CCST representative along to your school or to help with fundraising contact our office on 0131 553 0034 or email at or even contact your local area representative.

Your company’s sponsorship of our materials can help us keep our costs down while promoting your company. Opportunities include:

  • Newsletter - Being included in our bi-annual newsletter or in elements of our website.
  • Therapet Leaflets - We distribute these widely throughout Scotland and give our supporters a brief insight into the work that is done and what their money results in once it has been donated. These could be available in your premises or include your company’s name.
  • Collecting Cans - These cans go out to retail outlets and offices throughout Scotland and are placed at receptions and at points of sale. They allow supporters to donate their spare change to us and this soon adds up to a sizeable amount.

Your company’s sponsorship of our materials can help us keep our costs down while promoting your company.

As well as thinking of those you care for in your Will, you might also like to consider leaving a gift to Canine Concern Scotland Trust.  This generous legacy will contribute to enabling us to continue our Therapet service to help us improve the lives of people in local communities across Scotland. You can do this by either of the following ways:

  • Leaving any items or sums of money, once you have given to family or friends.
  • Leaving a fixed sum of money.

If you already have a Will, you can also make an amendment and add a gift to Canine Concern Scotland Trust.  Making or updating a Will is simple and easy. We would recommend that you consult a solicitor, who will be able to offer expert advice.  If you do not already have a solicitor, you can find one easily by contacting the Law Society of Scotland on 0131 226 7411 or by visiting

If you do decide to leave a gift to Canine Concern Scotland Trust, it’s important to include our name, address and charity number.

Canine Concern Scotland Trust
81 – 85 Portland Street
EH6 4AY(Scottish Charity Number: SC014924)

Gifts of any size are valuable to CCST and the communities we support.  If you are considering leaving a gift to CCST, then please feel free to speak to us if you have any questions or queries. Call us on 0131 553 0034


Why Therapet?

"THERAPET is a beacon of compassion. Volunteering here has allowed me to witness the healing power of animals. It's an honour to be part of such a meaningful cause."

Danielle & Tillie

Therapet Volunteers

Thank you!

Your donations large or small help us on our way. The amazing things happen here are down to you!


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